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Melt-in-the-Mouth Burnt Aubergine and Spinach Curry

I live and breathe Gujarati food. They are simple vegetarian dishes I eat every evening, and have done since I was young. Burnt Aubergine and Spinach Curry (Oroh) was one of those dishes mum would cook as a midweek dinner after our evening swim at our local leisure centre. What is Oroh? Oroh is simply …

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Spicy Spinach Lasagne

Spicy Spinach Lasagne Guess what I did this weekend? I made my first wedding cake! 300 cupcakes consisting of both Red Velvet and Lemon. Finished with a swirl of vanilla buttercream and the cutest handmade Indian elephants and peacock feathers. The display was crowned with a vanilla buttercream cake and a giant peacock feather. Thankfully, …

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Puffy, Fluffy Spinach and Green Chilli Puris

Puris (plural) [also spelt ‘pooris’] are a kind of unleavened Indian flatbread which are hugely popular at weddings. They are typically kept plain or spiced with turmeric and chillies and always, always deep fried. They are beautifully soft, puffy and fluffy and can be eaten with curries, rice, soups, sweet yogurt (shrikhand) and even rolled and …

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Palak Paneer and Rehab

My crystal ball confirms that the ever popular dish, palak paneer (spinach and Indian cheese) will eternally remain the elite veggie choice on Indian restaurant menus. Nobody can resist that luscious texture of pureed spinach combined with supple, dense and addictive paneer. Oh that reminds me, I mustn’t forget to visit the doctor for my …

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Secretly Decadent Spinach and Mung Bean Soup

A little twist on an old Gujarati classic   Iron-rich foods are essential for vegetarians who without it, may feel constantly lethargic, tired and run-down. I speak not from formal education in food nutrition, but from experience. We all need iron in our diets to keep us strong like Popeye (Popeye, if you’re reading this, …

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